Conference Paper

Geographies of Orthodox missionary humanitarian aid in Africa. The presence of the Churches of Greece and Cyprus (1950-1989), by Kalliopi Geronymaki. Athens 30-31 October 2023.

Conference Paper

The colloquium ‘Sub-Saharian Africa in research and university teaching in Greece: A census, 2023 will take place at the École Française d’Athènes on 30-31 October 2023. It is a preliminary stocktaking of the research landscape of African studies in Greece. The project is organized by Meropi Anastasiadou (INALCO, Paris), Nikos Metaxidis (Harokopio University of Athens) and Aimilios Tsekenis (University of the Aegean).

HumanEuroMed post-doc researcher Kalliopi Geronymaki will present a paper entitled ‘Geographies of Orthodox missionary humanitarian aid in Africa. The presence of the Churches of Greece and Cyprus, (1950-1989)’ at the 1st session ‘Missionary work’.

Photo: École Française d’Athènes - Wikimedia Commons.

17 October 2023



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