Silvia Salvatici

Principal Investigator

Fields of interest: Humanitarian history, Refugee history, Gender studies

Research topics: Italy and its former colonies, nongovernmental humanitarianism in Italy and Spain, transnational campaigns for Spanish, Greek and Portuguese political prisoners


I earned the PhD in Historical Sciences from the Higher School of Historical Studies of the University of San Marino (1995) and the PhD in Family History and of Gender Identity at the Oriental University Institute of Naples (1997). I was in service first as assistant professor and then as associate professor at the University of Teramo, and in 2015 I joined the University of Milan. Since November 2021 I’m full professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Florence. I was Honorary Research Fellow at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology of Birkbeck College, Associate Research Fellow at the Italian Academy at Columbia University and Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the European University Institute (Department of History and Civilization). I was Susan Currier Visiting Professor for Teaching Excellence in Gender and Humanitarianism, College of Liberal Arts, California Polytechnic State University.


My most recent book is A history of humanitarianism, 1755-1989. In the name of others (MUP, 2019). Pieces of my research appeared in The Historical Journal, Journal of Contemporary History, European Review of History, Journal of Refugee Studies, Le mouvement social, Contemporanea, European History Quarterly.



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