Our Presentations at International Workshops and Conferences

December 18, 2024, Matilde Miniati, presentation “Humanitarianism and international solidarity: informal networks and political mobilization for Western Sahara in Italy and Spain (1975-1991)."  Ciclo de Formación de Otoño en Historia de la Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Europeos. Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).

December 3, 2024, Kalliopi Geronymaki, paper"Mapping Cyprus’ Diplomatic Presence in the Non-Aligned Movement: Facets of. Anticolonial Solidarity and Economic Development (1961-1975)." International Workshop Cyprus at the Crossroads of the Global Cold War. French School of Athens.

November 12, 2024, Francesca Rolandi and Giovanni Tonolo participated in the Final Rountable of the International Workshop Humanitarianism and Southern Europe: New Perspectives in (Re)Thinking the Transitions to Democracy. University of Florence.

November 12, 2024, Kalliopi Geronymaki, paper"Metapolitefsi and New Meanings of 'Humanity'. The Greek Society Standing Between Humanitarianism for Cyprus and the post-1974 Human Rights Vindications".  International Workshop Humanitarianism and Southern Europe: New Perspectives in (Re)Thinking the Transitions to Democracy. University of Florence.

November 12, 2024, Grazia Sciacchinato, paper"Aid for Democratic Transitions: PSOE's Intervention in Pinochet's Chile".  International Workshop Humanitarianism and Southern Europe: New Perspectives in (Re)Thinking the Transitions to Democracy. University of Florence.

November 12, 2024, Ana Guardião, paper"Underpinning the 'Exemplary Decolonization' Thesis: Democratic Portugal and the Humanitarian Aid to the Timorese People (1970s-1990s)".  International Workshop Humanitarianism and Southern Europe: New Perspectives in (Re)Thinking the Transitions to Democracy. University of Florence.

November 12, 2024, Alba Martín Luque, paper"Red Humanitarianism in Transition: The Legalization of the Spanish Communist Party, the Failed Decolonization of Western Sahara, and the Origins of the Aid Program 'Vacaciones en Paz'.  International Workshop Humanitarianism and Southern Europe: New Perspectives in (Re)Thinking the Transitions to Democracy. University of Florence.

November 11, 2024, Silvia Salvatici, paper"Solidarity Networks Across Southern Europe: the Transnational Campaigns for Political Prisioners in Spain, Portugal and Greece".  International Workshop Humanitarianism and Southern Europe: New Perspectives in (Re)Thinking the Transitions to Democracy. University of Florence.

November 7, 2024, Kalliopi Geronymaki, paper"Humanitarian Stories of the Partition. Diplomacy of Relief Operations During the First Turkish Invasion of Cyprus (20 July – 14 August 1974)."  International Workshop Partitioning for Peace? Cyprus and the Violence of Bordering 50 Years On. University of London.

October 23, 2024, Francesca Rolandi, lecture "Going East, Going West. Cultural Relations and Solidarity Ties between Italy and Yugoslavia During the Cold War", Regional Tea Party titled “Yugoslavia”, organized by the Academic Network for Cooperation in South East Europe and the Institute of Social Sciences (IDN), Belgrade.

October 17, 2024, Dora Tot, paperThe myth of "Yugoslav exceptionalism" or the real advantage of Yugoslavia in approaching the "Third World"?, Conference „Istorija Jugoslavije: perspektive mladih istraživača sa post-jugoslovenskog prostora“, Archives of Yugoslavia, Belgrade.

September 18, 2024, Silvia Salvatici, paper L'Italia postcoloniale e gli aiuti internazionali, international conference Dal terzomondismo al postcolonialismo: immaginari visivi attorno a multiculturalismo, (anti)razzismo e neoprimitivismo in Italia, University of Rome 'La Sapienza'.

September 2, 2024, Giovanni Tonolo and Corinna Unger, paper Expertise, Development, and Natural Resources: Extraction Logics and Their Challenges in Twentieth-Century Colonial and Postcolonial History. International Workshop "Expertise, Scientific Authority, and Governance in the Age of the Anthropocene", University of Geneve.

August 31, 2024, Ana Guardião, paper Shaping Responses to Refugee Crises: Liberation Movements’ Aid
Mobilization during the Independence Wars of Angola, Guinea- Bissau, and Mozambique. International Conference, African Studies Association of the UK, Oxford Brookes University.

August 31, 2024, Alba Martín Luque, presentation New Perspectives on Transitional and International Solidarity: Bringing Recipient’s Agency into Focus. International Conference, African Studies Association of the UK, Oxford Brookes University.

June 20, 2024, Francesca Rolandi, paper Humanitarianism, The Yugoslav Way. Domestic Conceptualizations, Regional Solidarities, Global Ties. Colloquium in Central and East European History, University of Konstanz.

June 12, 2024, Francesca Rolandi, paper A Tale of Competing Visions of International Solidarity? The Struggle between Yugoslav Self-Managed Humanitarianism and the Hungry Child International Fund, Conference Socialist Humanitarianism in the Long Twentieth Century, University of Manchester.

June 11, 2024, Dora Tot, paper Between Principles and Pragmatism: Yugoslav Humanitarian Aid Policy in the Third World (1960s–1980s), Conference Socialist Humanitarianism in the Long Twentieth Century, University of Manchester.

June 6, 2024, Silvia Salvatici, L'Umanitarismo e le Guerre, Festival Echi di storia, Lugano.

May 28, 2024, Francesca Rolandi and Grazia Sciacchitano, presented case studies in Round Table Between Politics and Logistics: Responses to Natural and Human-Induced Disasters . International Workshop: Debating Humanitarianism: New Approaches and Methodologies. University of Florence.

May 28, 2024, Kalliopi Geronymaki, Dora Tot and Alba Martín Luque, presented case studies in Round Table Networks of Aid: Shaping International and Transnational Solidarities. International Workshop: Debating Humanitarianism: New Approaches and Methodologies. University of Florence.

May 28, 2024, Giovanni Tonolo, Annalisa Urbano and Ana Guardião presented case studies in Round Table Geopolitics of Aid: Constellations, Transitions and Dynamics. International Workshop: Debating Humanitarianism: New Approaches and Methodologies. University of Florence. 

May 28, 2024, Silvia Salvatici, presentation ERC Project HumanEuroMed. Humanitarianism and Mediterranean Europe: A Transnational and Comparative History, 1945 - 1990. International Workshop: Debating Humanitarianism: New Approaches and Methodologies. University of Florence.

May 23-24, 2024, Silvia Salvatici, The history of humanitarianisms: New geographies, approaches and actors, international workshop Humanitarianism since the Great War: actors, temes, and Debates, Dipartimento di studi umanistici, Università Ca' Foscari, Venice.

May 22, 2024, Ana Guardião, paper A 'model' to save the Biafran children? Imperial and religious cooperation and the other pictures of the Nigeria-Biafran war (1968-1969). European Academy of Religion 7th Annual Conference, Palermo. 

May 6, 2024, Ana Guardião, paper Refugees, Migrants, or Citizens? The Categorisation, Aid and “Integration” Policies shaping “Post-Colonial” Portugal, 4th Pierre du Bois Doctoral Workshop: Minorities and the Making of Postcolonial Europe, Geneva Graduate Institute.

May 2-3, 2024, Ana Guardião, paper Refugees, Migrants, Citizens? Considering Populations Categorization after the End of the Portuguese Empire, International Workshop Challenging Concepts in Refugee History, University of Gothenburg.

April 19, 2024, Francesca Rolandi, presentation Ideological commitment, pragmatism, discretion: Socialist Yugoslavia and refugees against the backdrop of geopolitical and domestic developments, International Workshop (De)constructing Yugoslavia: Migrants, Exiles, Refugees, Ljubljana.

April 12, 2024, Ana Guardião, conference paper Refuge within contested (post)imperial spaces: Refugee movements of the Kenyan, Algerian and Angolan independence wars (1951- 1961), International Conference Making Refuge: Place and Space in Refugee History, Vila Lanna, Prague.

March 21, 2024, Dora Tot, conference paper 'A ‘Healthy’ Gateway to Global Markets: Yugoslav Medical Aid as a Commercialization Strategy in the Third World (1960s–1980s), International Conference Humanitarian and Development Aid during the Cold War, New Europe College in Bucharest.

March 20, 2024, Kalliopi Geronymaki, presentation 'Donor Country? The Postwar Presence of Greece in International Humanitarian Action and Diplomacy (1950-1976)', Historical Association for the Study of Modern Greek History.

February 9, 2024, Francesca Rolandi, presentation Refugees from Albania and Yugoslavia’s ambivalent refugee policies: A mirror for wider societal developments?, workshop Towards a social history of Albanians in Socialist Yugoslavia, University of Graz.

December 7, 2023, Silvia Salvatici, Talk From recipients to donors? Southern European states and international aid Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, University of Manchester.

December 2, 2023, Dora Tot, paper Branding the Non-Aligned Expert: Socialist Yugoslavia's Citizen Diplomacy in the Global South, annual ASEEES conference, Philadelphia.

October 30-31, 2023, Kalliopi Geronymaki, paper Geographies of Orthodox missionary humanitarian aid in Africa. The presence of the Churches of Greece and Cyprus (1950-1989), colloquium "Sub-Saharian Africa in research and university teaching in Greece: A census, 2023", École Française d’Athènes.

October 27, 2023, Grazia Sciacchitano, paper Gli aiuti internazionali spagnoli al Cile di Pinochet, The educational seminar, Mangfoldhuset Trøndelag.

October 25-27, 2023, Dora Tot, paper Yugoslavia's 'Battle for Algiers': Intra-Socialist Competition in Colonial and Post-Colonial Algeria (1958-1965), International Conference: "A World without Empire? Encounters and connections between African, European, and Soviet Communists, 1920s to 1970s",  Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.

October 17-18, 2023, Silvia Salvatici, paper to the workshop The Past, Present, and Future of International Institutions?, organised by the UNDP Human Development Report Office, The Nuffield “Long Humanitarian Century” programme, and the Oxford Martin Programme on “Changing Global Orders", Oxford.

October 11, 2023, Silvia Salvatici, talk Aiuti internazionali e passato coloniale, Festival Dialoghi di Pandora Rivista Quale sviluppo? Scegliere l'orizzonte, October 11, 5 pm, Sala Stabat Mater Biblioteca dell’Archiginnasio in cooperation with Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna.

September 14-15, 2023, Silvia Salvatici, paper Global Solidarity. The Ethics, Policies and Practices of INGOs, International workshop INGOs and the Long Humanitarian Century: Legacy, Legitimacy and Leading into the Future organised by Andrew Thompson, Mike Aaronson, Lia Brazil, Nuffield College, Oxford.

September 12-13, 2023, Dora Tot, paper Between Propaganda and Solidarity: Yugoslav Humanitarian Assistance to the Algerian National Liberation Front (1958 – 1962), International conference: Solidarity and Voluntarism in State-Socialist Societies , University of Graz.

June 1, 2023, Alba Martín Luque, round-table Eastern Europe, Soviet Union and Africa Decolonization: New Perspectives, European Conference of African Studies (ECAS), Cologne.

May 30, 2023, Kalliopi Geronymaki, paper Greek and Intra-Mediterranean Humanitarian Mobilization for Cyprus after Turkish Invasion (1974-1976), International Workshop: Mediterranean Solidarity. International Aid Between Southern European Countries (1945-1990). University of Florence.

May 30, 2023, Silvia Salvatici, paper Development Based on Solidarity? Italy and Greece in the Early Sixties, International Workshop: Mediterranean Solidarity. International Aid Between Southern European Countries (1945-1990). University of Florence.

May 30, 2023, Ana Guardião, paper Evoking ‘Sentimental and Economic Ties’ and Reshaping Political Frameworks: Portugal’s Aid to Italy, International Workshop: Mediterranean Solidarity. International Aid Between Southern European Countries (1945-1990). University of Florence.

May 17, 2023, Alba Martín Luque, presentation: book chapter We Have Made History: Yugoslav Visual Solidarity with FRELIMO's Struggle (1967-1975), Universidade de Évora.

April 13, 2023, Grazia Sciacchitano, paper Rethinking Humanitarianism in Mediterranean Europe: the example of Spanish International Aid (1945-1990), Institute Seminar, NTNU Department of Modern History and Society, Trondheim.

April 13, 2023, Ana Guardião, paper A Discrete Kind of Humanitarianism: Portugal’s Aid to Biafra (1967-1970), International Workshop: Humanitarianism, Human Rights and Development during Global Decolonization (1945-1980). University of Coimbra.

April 13, 2023, Kalliopi Geronymaki, paper The Advocacy of “Self-determination” for Cyprus (1950-1960): Greeks and Greek-Cypriots between Human Rights, Activism and Humanitarian Mobilization, International Workshop: Humanitarianism, Human Rights and Development during Global Decolonization (1945-1980). University of Coimbra.

April 12, 2023, Alba Martín Luque, paper Beyond Bearing Witness: Atrocity Images, Catholic Missionaries and the Decolonization of Portuguese Africa (1967-1974), International Workshop: Humanitarianism, Human Rights and Development during Global Decolonization (1945-1980). University of Coimbra.

April 12, 2023, Angela Santese, paper Beyond Humanitarian aid: the Italian solidarity network in support of the peoples of Southern Africa (1973-1984), International Workshop: Humanitarianism, Human Rights and Development during Global Decolonization (1945-1980). University of Coimbra.

January 27, 2023, Alba Martín Luque,  paper The Missing Picture: Visual Humanitarianism, Catholic Missionaries and FRELIMO’s Victory in Mozambique (1967 – 1974) (II), International Conference: Anticolonial Struggle, Transnational Solidarity and Agency of Individual Actors: Dialogues with the Portuguese Colonies, 1945-1975. Nova University of Lisbon.

January 27, 2023, Angela Santese,  paper From Health Solidarity to Militant Humanitarism: The Italian Solidarity Network for the Independence and Sovereignty of the Peoples of Southern Africa Against Colonialism, Racism and Apartheid, International Conference: Anticolonial Struggle, Transnational Solidarity and Agency of Individual Actors: Dialogues with the Portuguese Colonies, 1945-1975. Nova University of Lisbon.

December 1, 2022, Annalisa Urbano, round-table with Agnieszka Sobocinska (King’s College) and  Corinna Unger (European University Institute), International Workshop: Intersecting Colonial and Postcolonial Humanitarian Dynamics (1950-1980). University of Florence.

December 1, 2022, Silvia Salvatici, paper Agents of Humanitarianism? Italian Enterprises in Ethiopia, International Workshop: Intersecting Colonial and Postcolonial Humanitarian Dynamics (1950-1980). University of Florence.

December 1, 2022, Alba Martín Luque, paper The Missing Picture. Visual Humanitarianism, Catholic Missionaries and FRELIMO’s Victory in Mozambique (1967 – 1974) (I), International Workshop: Intersecting Colonial and Postcolonial Humanitarian Dynamics (1950-1980). University of Florence.

December 1, 2022, Ana Guardião, paper A Window for Neutrality? Portuguese “Imperial Uses” of Humanitarianism during the Nigeria-Biafra War (1967- 1971), International Workshop: Intersecting Colonial and Postcolonial Humanitarian Dynamics (1950-1980). University of Florence.

December 1, 2022, Kalliopi Geronymaki, paper A Precedent of Humanitarianization? Rethinking the Greek Allegations of British Violence in the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations (1952-1960), International Workshop: Intersecting Colonial and Postcolonial Humanitarian Dynamics (1950-1980). University of Florence.

November 17-18, 2022, Silvia Salvatici, paper Volunteers of Humanitarianism. Italian Lay Missionary Movement in the long 1960s, international conference Humanitarian Experiences. Ethical Conflicts in Historical Perspective, Manchester University, Fondation Brocher, Hermance, Université de Gèneve.

October 22, 2022, Silvia Salvatici, lecture Ripensare la storia dell'umanitarismo internazionale: uno sguardo dal Sud d'Europa, Università degli Studi di Padova.

June 30, 2022, Annalisa Urbano, paper Italy’s scholarship programmes for Somali students, 1956-1969, Third Millenium Africas in the Global World: Challenges, Reconfigurations and Opportunities, VI ASAI Biennial Conference, Urbino.

June 23, 2022, Silvia Salvatici, lecture Reframing the history of international humanitarianism: a view from Southern Europe, European University Institute, SOCIOBORD lecture series, Florence.

June 16, 2022, Silvia Salvatici, Keynote speech Umanitarismo, decolonizzazione e mondo postcoloniale, international conference L’Italia e il mondo post-coloniale. Politiche di cooperazione e mobilità tra decolonizzazioni e Guerra Fredda, University of Cagliari.

July 13-16, 2022, Ana Guardião, paper Refugees, Migrants, or Citizens? The “categorization” of autochthonous populations on the move during and after the Angolan decolonization process (1950s – 1980s), Historicizing the refugee Experience Seminar, German Historical Institute, Washington DC.

June 10, 2022, Silvia Salvatici, paper Gender: a useful category for humanitarian history, international workshop Transnational Humanitarianism and Refugee Policy in the Age of the World Wars, German Historical Institute, Rome.

May 5, 2022, Ana Guardião, Lecture - master students Novas Histórias dos Direitos Humanos e do Humanitarismo, at Instituto Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, Lisbon.

March 25, 2022, Alba Martín Luque, presentation Humanitarianism, decolonization and visual history: preliminary approaches, at joint Workshop HINT - HumanEuroMed, University of Coimbra.

March 25, 2022, Ana Guardião, presentation Humanitarianism and Mediterranean Europe: a comparative and transnational history (1945-1990)/ Colonial and Post-Colonial humanitarian repertoires of governance: the Portuguese case in a comparative perspective (1960s-1980s), at joint Workshop HINT - HumanEuroMed, University of Coimbra.

March 16, 2022, Silvia Salvatici, talk Relief, Decolonization and Development: Italian Aid and Ethiopia (1956-1992), Institute of Historical Research, Modern Italian History Seminar Series, London.

February 22, 2022, Silvia Salvatici, paper Food aid and nutritional sciences in post-war Italy’, international workshop New approaches to Medical Care, Humanitarianism and Violence during the ‘long’ Second World War, 1931-1953, University of Manchester.

February 20, 2022, Silvia Salvatici, workshop Humanitarianism and Mediterranean Europe: a Comparative and Transnational History (1945-1990), series Contrappunti, German Historical Institute, Rome.

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