Ana Guardião

Post-doctoral Researcher

Research interests: connected histories of imperialism, colonialism and internationalism, with a focus on intersecting human rights institutionalization and humanitarian dynamics

Research topics: Portugal and its former colonies


I have a PhD in History by the ICS — UL (2019), and I’m currently a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Florence within the ERC funded project HumanEuroMed. In 2019 I received a research scholarship at the Global Humanitarianism Research Academy. I’m also collaborating with two international projects (WUD and HINT) at the University of Coimbra. My publications include Os Impérios do Internacional (co-ed., 2020) and ‘A Matter of Control: Colonial and Humanitarian Population Management Strategies, Angolan Refugees’ Resistance and the Politics of Difference (1961-1964)’ in the E-journal of Portuguese History.

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